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students playing game

Be a part of Project Purpose

Project Purpose is a community supported 501(c)3 non-profit.  God continues to lay on the hearts of individuals, churches, and businesses to give to Project Purpose.  Your gift helps us to meet our mission to share with the low-income students and families of Pottstown Christ's unique purpose for their lives by providing them with educational supports and mentoring relationships.  Your gift is used to support our programs, our staff, and our families' needs.  

Charitable donations can be made using the donation button or by mailing a check to our offices at 699 North Pleasantview Road, Pottstown, PA 19464.   Please make checks out to Project Purpose.

Your Gift Brings Purpose

hands holding heart

Everyday Support Campaign

Funds are used to support the everyday initiatives of Project Purpose: Homework help, hot meal, STEM projects, Project Garden, and family educational support.

parents and child with heart above

Family Benevolence Support

Funds are used to help families with groceries, transportation issues, or clothing needs your gift makes an impact on low-income families in Pottstown.

church with a heart

 Discipleship Project

Funds are used to support intentional character building opportunities, biblical resources, age appropriate devotionals and Bibles for our students and their families.

Camp Sponorship

Funds are used to send students to a week of Christian summer camp. This is where they can spend time in God's creation, build friendships, and learn about God in a fun environment.

Project Purpose is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization EIN #81-0685126. Your
donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. No goods or services were provided by Project Purpose in exchange for this donation.

The official registration and financial information of the Company may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. 

Registration does not imply endorsement."

Project Purpose

699 North Pleasantview Rd. Pottstown PA, 19464




© 2021 Project Purpose

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