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Share the Gospel

Project Purpose

What is the GOSPEL? Who is JESUS? What is HEAVEN? Who is GOD?

Why am I here? Where did the world come from? What is good? What is LOVE?


What a great place to start in relating the "good news" of Christ.

Find out from your student what they already know... through questions.

Invite them to seek understanding... through questions.

What do you know about God? Do you know who Jesus is? What is the Bible for?

What do you want to know about God? Do you have any questions about this world we live in? About life?

Let the conversation flow naturally.

Perhaps some kids have never considered any of it. Start by "WOW-ing" them with some cool facts about our world, about LIFE! (We have some great non-fiction books and magazines in the office that do a great job of displaying the wonder of the world in which we live). God tells us that the heavens and earth DECLARE HIS GLORY. Where better to begin an introduction to God than through the first medium HE GAVE US to demonstrate who He is?

I think that sometimes this is a better starting point than the Bible. First, we must give an opportunity to help them SEE God. To understand that we have a Creator. Talk about who He is. What does His creation, His universe, say about Him? How do the trees, the animals, the stars, the thunder, all communicate to us different aspects of our God?

This is particularly important for children who have no foundation whatsoever. But even for those who do have something, it's still a fun exercise and perhaps something they've never given thought to.

Once you feel ready to look at His Word, begin by explaining to them what the Bible is. I think the "Jesus Storybook Bible" (which we have several copies of) has a wonderful introduction to WHAT the Bible is... the story of redemption. What is redemption? Why do we need a Savior?

Help your student understand the Fall. Help them see that this world is held captive under sin (separation from God)- it might spark some interesting questions and conversation... why is there suffering? sadness? greed? We can give an account to these hard questions, and also a beautiful solution. This is the beginning of understanding and loving Christ.

We have some pretty amazing books in the resource office to support you as you share the gospel with your student. Bibles for all ages. Devotionals and story books for pre-teens. A beautiful coloring book with scripture. I have included some photos of these books for your easy finding.

They are all located on top of the middle shelving that keeps the school supplies.

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news,

who proclaim peace,

who bring good tidings,

who proclaim salvation,

who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"

Isaiah 52:7

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